High voltage linear drive IC is more and more recognized by LED lighting professionals because of its simple application circuit, high reliability and integrated packaging. Although the existing high-voltage linear drive IC can support the thyristor dimmer, its performance is not ideal, especially when the dimmer is adjusted to a very low brightness, flickering will bring a very bad feeling to the user.
High voltage linear drive reduces the brightness of led to a certain extent (about 10%) through the optimal design of drive IC. The internal circuit detects the chamfer of the thyristor. When the cutting angle decreases to a certain extent, the LED driver turns off. When the cutting angle increases to a certain extent, the LED driver turns on. This achieves perfect performance in low-cost and high-voltage linear LED drivers. The effect of thyristor dimming.
At the same time, the drive chip has thyristor discharge circuit and constant power compensation function, which makes the high-voltage linear drive IC a real LED drive device with high cost performance and high reliability. Perfect thyristor dimming effect is realized on high voltage linear driver.